Monday, October 6, 2008


Ryley waiting for the train with Samantha!

Ryley with her new dolls Bitty Baby and Nellie!

Me, my mom and Ry in the American Girl Doll Cafe.

Ry sitting with her dolls!

Look at this cake!

Friday, October 3rd was my daughter Ryley's 6th birthday. Ryley wanted to go to the American Girl store and cafe and NYC for her birthday. So, there we went! This was so much fun! If any one is considering doing this with there daughter, you totally should. My mom came with us and we all loved it. The store is 4 floors of American Girl dolls and accesosries. After shopping we went to cafe and had lunch. Look at the cake she got.! It was great. Ver, very, very girly!

1 comment:

xraycher said...

Love these photos. Your daughter is so gorgeous. Your mom is so lucky to be able to attend these special events. I am soooo jealous! LOL Love to all, Aunt Cheryl